FACEBOOK update from Rt.Hon.Benjamin Uwajumogu himself!!

 In this status update, Rt.Hon Benjamin Uwajumogu  gives us an insight to the achievements of the Okorocha Administration so far. As he notes some of the on going projects in the State, he reaches out to those in diaspora to come back home and see things for themselves.

These are the kind of leaders we want!! We want leaders who reach out themselves and communicate with the people. Mr.Speaker definitely scores huge POINTS with this message. Please read below. Also, if you are not yet connected to Speaker Uwajumogu on Facebook, follow this link to join his page: www.facebook.com/benjaminuwajumogu

Good things are happening in IMO State, the New Administration of Owelle Rochas Okorocha has indeed taken off to a blistering start and IMO people are hopeful and indeed expectant that in four years, IMO State will recover from the several locust years of mis-governance, misappropriation of scarce state resources and outright organized looting of the state treasury by men charged with husbanding the same treasury.

Today more than five hundred kilometers of roads are either being constructed or rehabilitated with the most important being the fifteen kilometers of roads being built in each local govt area of the state, Owerri, Okigwe and Orlu the three major cities are witnessing major transformations as all the existing roads are being reconstructed and new ones are being built.

This is probably the most ambitious in project Execution that any state in Nigeria has ever attempted in modern history, coupled with investments in Education like construction and furnishing of 305 modern primary schools, already paid for, college of advanced professional studies, the new science schools, the upgrading of the IMO University teaching hospital and the construction of 27 new general hospitals one in each LGA.

All of these  projects initiated and on- going in various stages of construction, renovation of Concord Hotels, reconstruction of Commissioners quarters, the new Concorde apartments, the Hero’s Square, and the Odumegwu Ojukwu centre for Igbo Studies, a beautiful and thoughtfully memoriam to a worthy Igbo leader started Five months ago and almost completed. All these projects under six months. Many more projects are either on going or about to commence or commissioned.

I am proud that the House of Assembly that I am privileged to lead is associated with this massive success, it was a indeed the decision of every member of this fifth assembly to collaborate in sacrifice and indeed sweat to partner with this Administration to provide great leadership to our people. It is a decision that was variously criticized by segments of the opposition.

IMO people are better off today because of that approach which created a perfect synergy between the Executive and the Legislature. Going forward, the challenge will be to ensure the speedy and proper completion of these projects, create jobs thru the revitalization of moribund business projects and commercialization of various aspects of governance, to improve our internal generated revenues.

All these agenda can only be achieved if we back it up with proper and people oriented legislation. There are 40 various proposed bills pending passage in the house of Assembly with 8 bills and 37 motions passed. We are currently codifying and digitalizing the laws of IMO state from 1979 to current date in the process we will review outdated laws and amend them to fit the present requirements of our citizens .

Democracy remains a journey and not a destination, am truly proud to be associated with these government and the massive achievement recorded so far, don’t take my word for it, please come home this Christmas and be a witness.

Wish you a merry Xmas.

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