MANIFESTO: Senator Hope Uzodinma (APC Governorship candidate, Imo State)


1.0.1The civil service structure and cognate institutions shall be overhauled to ensure a merit based civil service system for OPTIMAL real time service delivery. Prompt payment of salaries, pensions and other statutory obligations to spur civil servant to greater productivity.

1.0.2 Strict adherence to extant laws,procedure, and statues pertaining to an efficient service delivery.

1.0.3 permanent Secretaries to be reinstated as chief accounting officers of MDA’s in accordance with relevant establishment guildline

1.0.4 Civil servants to be trained in tandem with the requirements of a digital technology ecosystem.

1.0.5 Hierarchy and seniority in the public service to be restored to restore discipline and resilience in public administration.

1.0.6 emoluments of core civil servants and other first-line charges shall continue to be drawn from the consolidated revenue fund (CRF) in accordance with the law.

1.0.7 Subvention or short-fall grants to scheduled bodies shall be based on the relevant statues. Such subventions shall be premised on fiscal capacity and revenue potential of the parastatal.

1.0.9 Recruitment, promotion and Discipline in the civil/public service shall be patterned To reflect the new IMO initiative. The annual performance evaluation report (APER) shall now include an objective assessment of discrete output of staff, training etc supported with concrete verifiable evidence

1.0.10 The Treasury system and financial reporting system shall be restored along with the 27 sub-treasures in the three geo political zones to ensure a seamless government downstream operations and device delivery on the rural communities .

1.0.11 Establishment of a technology support system to enhance real-time service delivery and transparency.

1.0.12 Establishment of staff housing loan scheme , vehicle advance and microcredit scheme for tenure staff in partnership with mortgage and other financial institute in the state . these shall be guaranteed by government through the DFIC

1.0.13 we shall encourage and reward hard work, resilience, honesty, and diligence through promotions and other support programmes.


2.0.1 IMO STATE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMME-ISEOP: Our goal will be to turn IMO state into a knowledge driven economy and to accelerate development through manpower development. We shall restore IMO state as the nation’s leading center of knowledge and enterprise.

2.0.2 for a highly functional and qualitative educational system, our new educational architecture shall focus on science and technology in line with modern digital learning ecosystem of the 21st century.

2.0.3 we shall establish skills acquisition and vocational center as well as zonal technology incubation academy (ZOTIA) to fill on current skills gaps in IMO state and by extension the nation.

2.0.4 Our new IMO educational system shall have capacity to produce a new generation of creative enterprising graduates equipped for immediate post school employment and self-reliance.

2.0.5 Our educational opportunity programme is to enhance innovation and entrepreneurship. Improved human capital is key to widespread prosperity and downstream value chain creation.

2.0.6 primary and secondary school teachers shall undertake regular mandatory continuous professional training in order to acquire new sets of skills required in the new Digital Technology learning environment.

2.0.7 IMO educational opportunity programme (ISEOP) shall provide measured financial support to students with demonstrated competence in academics, innovative and entrepreneurship.

2.0.8 To enhance scholarship and improve on educational outcomes ISEOP shall provide other non- financial support programme to students in both primary and secondary schools. That includes mentoring , career guildance, academic support programme and counseling etc

2.0.9 Establishment of a job placement office – to enhance job search and placement , internship (IT) and other career related programme for graduates shall form an integral part of ISEOP.

2.0.10 Establishment of linkage with IMO diaspora learning centers for student exchange and technology transfer initiative in partnership with the USA , UK, China and Canada, cultural and educational programme etc

2.0.11 Development of a new curriculum for schools to integrate basic technology skills required to fit into the new digital ecosystem.

2.0.12 we shall provide digital teaching tools and equipment for improved primary and secondary schools outcomes.

2.0.13 Restoration of inspectorate division in all the zonal school board to enhance academic quality and outcomes.


3.0.1 Comprehensive medicare focused on enhance primary and secondary health care. Our new IMO health architecture shall emphasize on preventive medical care. With the first 2 yrs of our administration, we would have attained a 75% health for all (HEFA) Covering the 27 LGCs .

3.0.2 We shall within the period recruit 850 community health workers to strengthen existing primary health care work in the state.

3.0.3 In collaboration with a duly elected local government council, we shall rehabilitate, renovate and equip all the dilapidated community health centers in the 305 wards of the state, within the first year in office.

3.0.4 Run an integrated health care delivery system equipped with modern diagnostic tools CT scan, MRI, and mobile X -ray, and laboratories etc

3.0.5 provide a well equipped rapid response ambulance service in zonal divisional hospital and central rural health centers to ensure an efficient 24/7 health support services in all the local government areas.

3.0.6 Establish a value-based health care as opposed to the present “fee-for-performance model. Emphasis shall be on optimal patient .outcome, patient safety, efficient professional and dynamic work force etc

3.0.7 establishment of drug revolving trading account in the hospitals and health centers to ensure availability of life saving ” essential” drug at the hospital pharmacies. Each hospital or health center shall operate a guided self accounting status to ensure Effective administration of the drug revolving accounts.

3.0.8 Restoration of sanitary health inspection to support primary health/preventive medicare programme of government at the 305 autonomous communities of the state.

3.0.9 An urgent rehabilitation of the moribund schools of nursing, mid- wifery- in owerri, Aboh Mbaise shall in liaison with the nursing and mid-wilfery council of Nigeria (NMCN) be converted into basic collegiate level for award of diplomas etc. These very important health training institutions shall be rehabilitated and equipped within the first year of our administration to ensure early and seamless accreditation by the NMCN.

3.0.10 establishment criteria for research and integration of alternative or traditional medical practice (tradomedicine) .

3.0.11 The IMSU college of medicine, the teaching hospital at orlu, the public health lab,as well as serve as regional medical informatic centers etc. The abandoned MRI and other sensitive scanning machines shall be serviced and restored for services. We shall renew our technical partnership with Howard international medical school in Washington DC, USA and General Electric GE in USA respectively.


4.0.1 The Tripod vision of our administration is premised on economic recovery, reconstruction and rehabilitation of core infrastructure and the rehabilitation of micro small medium enterprise (MSMEs)

4.0.2 Rapid economic diversification through rural urban integrated development and a shift from core public sector driven to a knowledge based economy an economic blueprint involving public private partnership (PPP) Leveraged on the 4th industrial technology.

4.0.3 Encourage private driven knowledge based economy through policy incentive. Provide enabling environment and selective policy intervention to bolster sustainable growth of MSMEs

4.0.4 Encourage diaspora rural economic partnership for investment in local government rural malls and small scale industries such as agriculture, farm settlements, etc reactivate some of the rural farmers multipurpose cooperative societies etc

4.0.5 Stimulate downstream value creation through backward integration, intervention and support to MSMEs . Through this development initiative we shall create job opportunities for rural dwellers,etc and reduce the mass exodus from rural areas to the urban cities.

4.0.6 Ensure that Sam mbakwe international cargo airport receives URGENT federal Government support and provisions to modernize for IATA for air safety and increased traffic flow in line with the original concept and desires of the good people of IMO state.

4.0.7 Establishment of graduate entrepreneurship scheme (GES) to equip graduate with requisite sets of skills for self- employment. About 1,350 Graduates shall benefit from the initial phase of the GES government shall provide necessary guarantee for start-ups through the state owned development finance and investment corporation (DFIC)

4.0.8 Establishment of state economic development and rehabilitation council (SEDARC) to provide remedial framework and templates to redress the chronic fiscal and infrastructural deficits militating against state economic development. SEDARC shall address key economic challenges of the state: unemployment, abandoned roads in owerri, orlu and okigwe metropolis, the collapsing bridges,the abandoned otamiri water scheme etc

4.0.9 SEDARC shall undertake to identify, locate and recover public assets,as well as coordinate a full scale forensic investigation into the state finances and the veracity of the huge public debts estimated at over N200 billion as well establish the net worth of the state government as at 29th May 2019

4.0.10 SEDARC shall also recover all illegally acquired private lands, estates, etc by Government or its agents and return them to their rightful owners.

4.0.11 SEDARC shall abolish all forms of unconscionable “imperial,” taxes,levies and fees other than that established by law which their application has impoverished the citizens. The state BIR shall in liaison with SEDARC developed a new IMO REVENUE MENU to accelerate IGR potential of the state.

4.0.12 Ministry of finance Incorporated (MOFI) shall in liaison with DFIC engage in active trading in Nigeria capital market and by so doing build up portfolio of quality financial assets to support treasury operation etc



5.0.2 Our Government shall be accountable to the Good people of IMO state and shall adhere to the anti- corruption mantra of our great party, APC

5.0.3 We shall dismantle all loopholes and structure that gave vent to massive looting in the public service, in still financial discipline and promote resilience. Public servants who were part of the existing looting machine in the service shall be subjected to appropriate reprimand in accordance with civil service rules etc in tandem with our anti corruption mantra.

5.0.4 we shall conduct credible local government election in the 27 LGCs within the 12 months of our administration. Alongside, reconstitute local government joint account allocation committee (JACC) to manage and superintendent local government funds.

5.0.5 our administration shall contribute 10% of net IGR proceeds to JAAC to bolster rural economic development.

5.0.6 The autonomy of local government shall be restored and this crucial third tier of government shall be strengthen to accelerate downstream economic growth and widespread development.
5.0.7 To ensure maximum security in IMO state, we shall IMMEDIATELY following inauguration, establish a comprehensive brand new security architecture aided by appropriate technology and modern digital tools for effective crime detection , surveillance, tracking and prosecution.

5.0.8 We shall create a neighborhood security watch a well coordinated and integrated community based intelligence gathering network operations (ICBI) in liaison with the NPF , DSS, NSCDC, NSO and some well organized private security operations code named “SAD” (Search and Destroy) a holistic combined security operations targeted at the flashpoints and vulnerable areas including hide outs,jungles,uncompleted buildings,forest,shrines ,lakes and creeks etc .it shall be a season of sadness to criminals in IMO state.

5.0.9 Community leaders, traditional rulers, town union presidents shall be fully involved in operation SAD. Community leaders shall be held responsible for any security lapses within their constituencies. Failure to report, concealing or benefiting directly or indirectly from proceeds of criminal activities shall attract maximum punishment. A cash reward shall be announced as part of whistle blowing campaign to root out criminal in the state. Our
NEW IMO shall no longer be a haven for kidnappers, Armed robbers, cultist, yahoo plus , alibaba, baby factory, and ritualist etc

5.0.10 As an honest and transparent government, we shall hold quarterly IMO stakeholders forum (ISHF) To provide To provide interim government score card across all sectors and provide answers to FAQs and concerns of citizens. The state ministry of information shall likewise provide monthly briefing on government activities.

5.0.11 We believe that power belongs to the people and not the other way round. Government is not instituted to deride the people, but to protect their fundamental rights. We shall be responsible and accountable to the good people of IMO state. This is the dawn of a NEW IMO STATE. The Igbo Heartland and the land of HOPE.

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