More Drama at the Airport as Gov.Ikedi Ohakim leaves Owerri.

Right after Fmr.State Gov. Ikedi Ohakim handed over to Gov.Okorocha, he dashed out off to the Airport. I heard his things were already packed before he went into the EXCO Chambers for the Meeting. LOL.

So anyway, he arrives the Sam Mbakwe Airport in the companyof his Security detail. Everyone was expecting OGA to drop before leaving. To their dismay,Ikiri just kept a straight face as he made his way to his Chartered airplane.YEP!  You read right. C-H-A-R-T-E-R-E-D . Since 2007, Chief Ohakim never flew anything else but his Chartered airplane. No marra how empty the Treasury was looking, it had nothing to do with Ohaks !  (Shaking my Head)

Perhaps he needed all the PRIVACY as he was bowing out in disgrace. I heard not one Commisioner escorted him to the Airport. Even the so called Brotherly Chief of Staff, Emma Ohakim was no where to be found.

The loyal men in His Security detail   caught the message that they were not getting any settlement from Ohakim. With their sealed lips and BODY LANGUAGE, they conived to BOO him . LOL. They did not even wait for him to climb up the stairs of the plane when they started BOOOO-ING him. I hear they made sure it was loud enough that they caused a scene. Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa #Classic! I’m sure Chief Ohakim must have peed in his pants because he would never have thought his own personal security would muster the courage to pull such a stunt.

Who blames them? Nobody  wants to work for a stingy Employer. Aside from the Chief Security and his personal Odley whom he both gave Car gifts (Kia and Toyota; Specific models unknown), he did not deem it appropriate to leave parting gifts with his immediate staff.  What kind of stingy man is this?Good riddance abeg!

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