OKIGWE AT THE SENATE: A journey of legacy in service – Uwajumogu.

Umunnem, ndi Okigwe,

1. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of our Souls and the Hero of our lives. I wish you the very best in this last quarter of the year. May the good Lord protect and guide us all and usher us into the new year of 2019

2. Brethren, I come to you today with a sincere heart, full of joy, fulfilment; and brotherhood.

Without fear or favour, the plethora of political and economic issues along with the recent dramatic political events in the country, has affected us, as in other zones in our state, we are subjected to extreme lack of infracstrucrure and other socio- economic investment by all levels of our governments. The prostrate situation of our local government authorities have created a dire and bleak situation that can best described as ugly. The situation is not new but excerbated by a state government that neither respects individual nor collective opinions and is averse to partnership with other arms of government or even multinational organizations.


3. In retrospect, when we look at where and how we started in this journey, we can say, we have justifiable reasons to thump our chests in our efforts towards moving Okigwe forward.

We therefore, thank God for the positive results despite all challenges.

4. My dear brothers and sisters, I am sure many of us have been expecting me to address you on many thriving issues within and outside our zone, especially, since I interacted with you last at the beginning of the New Year. Of a truth, we have been doing our best to engage in positive issues and avoid detractors who have chosen to walk in the path of dishonour and injustice. By His grace, we are still leaving no stone unturned to make sure that the good people of Okigwe are given the best representation and their interest proctected in our national project.

5. Essentially, I have beenl following all levels of conversations, all kinds of discussions and all manners of write ups in many platforms of the media, especially, concerning my representation at the Senate; some are quite constructive, advising me on how to do better, while others are cosmetic and simply to unwittingly malign me. Out of ignorance, though by some mischief makers, many have wrongly assessed, misinterpreted, misrepresented and mispresented me in the course of my service to you. Of course, it is not unexpected.

However, I see these criticisms as the working ingredients in my commitment to serve you better. They in deed, challenge my ideas, ignite my zeal, as well provoke my thoughts and push my actions to bring the best in me to serve you better. I therefore, thank you all, in that regard.

6. My brothers and sisters, on this instance, i would want to use this little opportunity to tell you the story of Okigwe Zone at moment at the Senate.

7. You will remember that when I was campaigning for this office in 2016, I promised you that my Action Plans will be impactful in other to make Okigwe better than how it was. Without mincing words, I have been working assiduously to implement these Action Plans and in deed they are yielding fruitful and visible results. Though, It is just that the habitual critics, will always find it pretty difficult like the blind man to be convinced that, there is oil in the soup.

Unarguably, you will agree with me that the road towards development is not always smooth. To achieve success, it requires good initiation, careful planing proper implementation, understanding, patience and sincerity.

8. As you know, the story of Okigwe Zone at the 8th Senate is like a ‘ _Soprano Music’_ and would always be played with different tunes and rhythms.

From the calendar calculation, the 8th Nigerian Senate started in June, 2015, but Okigwe Zone effectively and legitimately took her seat on the 27th September, 2016; barely after 1yr and 3 months. Despite our lateness to the Senate, we have never been deterred, neither have we wavered in our efforts to move our Zone forward; because, from the beginning, we knew our onus and our eyes were on the ball.

My dear brothers and sisters, politics apart, it is not for self praise, we have optimally recorded some sound milestones with my legislative interventions. From every assessment and record, Okigwe Zone, as it stands has not taken the back seat at the proceedings of the Senate. Senate has an open door to seek for verification and confirmation. There are zones at the Senate, who timely came to the Senate before Okigwe, but do not have comparable achievements (given the little time we have spent) in terms of Infrastructural Projects, Human Capital Development, Youth & Women Empowerment Initiatives, Rural Health Care Administration, Humanitarian Gestures and of course our robust road map of Agricultural Revolution, as well as general Legislative Outputs. Let me quickly and once again, thank you for all your support that produced those achievements.

9. Without pretence, you are all aware that, recently and over the time, I have been engaged in a political battle with the state government and I have been called several bad names including being an ingrate, a rebel, I’ve been accused of embezzling all forms of Imaginary sums of money during my time as the Right Honourable Speaker, a position I held for four years and recieved three awards for exceptional leadership by the same state government that is now excoriating me because of my principled stand that the government of Imo state should and will not rotate amongst one family. I have been maligned by my erstwhile friends and partners in government because of my principled stand and constructive disobedience to injustice and calculated plan to deny Okigwe a right to participate in sensitive positions in the 2019 elections under the political party I belong.

Without being weary, if my ‘constructive disobedience’ and ‘unrepentant attitude’ to stand by the truth to protect my people, that I am being maligned and crucified, so be it. I believe in truth. For truth is truth. Truth is naked. Truth is sacred. Truth is eternal. And I will not deviate from manifesting everything about truth. In summary, i believe that in the fight for the truth, there is no right way to do a wrong thing. Therefore, I will always walk in the path of honour, the right way and the truth. I know it may deny me self pleasures, but Okigwe collective interest supersedes and I believe there will be light at the end of the tunnel, because nobody can act God.

10. My dear good people of Okigwe Zone, permit me to quickly expose you to some of our fruit yielding efforts during this short and trying period at the Senate.


Like I have emphasized earlier, my representation has a thematic road map on Agriculture, with flexible extension to other key entrepreneurial areas of developments.

Without doubt, globally, agriculture is receiving a sharp attention as the mainstay of nations’ economy. This is because agriculture has fertile potentials to propel an all round developments. Okigwe under my legislative intervention is quickly keying into this magical developmental initiatives through agriculture.

Presently, we are having a high level of partnership with the *European Union* to develop Okigwe zone through Agriculture. The EU in her efforts to discourage migration from Africa, is investing about €500,000,000 Euro in Africa through Agriculture. I participated in the various talkshops in Nigeria and Cote D’ Ivoire, met with the EU commissioner for Agriculture in Brussels Belgium and in Dublin Ireland holding meetings and signed agreements with the EU Commissioner for Agriculture on 2nd & 3rd Feb., 2018. By this, the EU Commissioner and his team has agreed to invest hugely in agriculture in Okigwe zone. They have asked us to put the preliminary arrangements for the investments, which include provision of good hectares of land and choosing a specialised area of agriculture for the investment. By this, we have acquired about 250 hectares of land and have not only cleared same, but have planted 65 hectares of high variety Palm seedlings ?(Tenara) at Dioka Nzerem in Ehime Mbano. As a way of making our presence formidable at the land, we have also entered into local agreement with several agro institutions who in turn have provided us the needed expertise. The EU team will soon visit us to commence the project.

With this investment by the European Union, we estimate that we can create over a thousand jobs for our teeming youths, women and men. our people will be provided opportunities not only in farming crops but also in the agro value chain like Agro processing. We will create such value in Palm Milling & Processing that every derivable produce from palm tree will be utilised to the end. We will also extend this model to Cassava and Rice Processing. Our river bank areas in Onitsha Uboma, Ezinachi, Onuimo, Nzerem-Ikpem, Umungwa down to Owerre Nta, would be engaged in aquatic businesses and tourist development. Also Fishery, piggery, snailery among others would be developed in a large scale within that scope. We are further executing MUOs with some other communities in Okigwe zone to spread the scope of our agricultural investments.

All these will be implemented within our earlier agreed framework of partnership with the host communities for a mechanised farming; where the land would be leased to the investors, while the land still remains the property of the host communities.

I believe this conjugation with the European Union will yield some positive results and strongly build our hopes for better tomorrow.

Also let me not forget to mention that we are still working with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and other related agencies for our drive in Agriculture.

Another good news on agriculture investment for development of Okigwe is the establishment of planting, cultivation and processing of Medical Cannabis Derived Produtcs in Okigwe zone. This is first of its kind in Nigeria and West Africa. Many countries have shifted their developmental efforts through investments in Medical Cannabis. We have secured legal licenses from NDLEA, Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine Service, National Seeds Council & other relevant agencies, as well equired land for same at Okigwe LGA. Our investment partners from the UK and America have visited the Sites many times, opened Office at Abuja and are ready to start planting. It takes about 12 wewks to enter into processing/production after planting/harvest. As part of the project design, apart from employment creation to our people, a but WELLNESS CENTRE will be established in Okigwe zone for instant treatment of chronic pains, Cancer, Diabetes, stroke, Pakistan disease, glaucoma and other terminal diseases that kill our people on daily basis. My brothers and sisters, this is true. This is real. This is not logic or politics.

Added to these, we have formalised all the processes for engagement of our women, traders and artisans in active rural businesses with the Central Bank of Nigeria under the Anchor Borrower System. This entails the releasing of Micro Credits to the people by CBN and refunding of part of the money on a given period of time. We have over 1,500 registered for this scheme of which over 150 women across the zone have benefited I have guaranteed these facilitaties and we are waiting for the final release by the CBN. Unfortunately, there has been a delay from the CBN due to red tape. We are also concluding arrangements for setting up a Micro Finance Institution in Okigwe. We have trained about 50 Okigwe graduates from the six LGAs that will pilot the scheme.


This is another area we have not lost sight. We have observed that every aspect of our rural lives anchors on good infrastructural facilities. We need good rural roads to go to our farms and take out our farm products either to the market or for self use. We need school facilities to receive quality education. We need electricity for our artisan jobs and other activities. As a result of these, among others, I am striving to make sure that every ward if not every community in Okigwe Zone gets one visible and valuable infrastructural project with my intervention as the Okigwe Senator at the National Assembly.

I am shocked that some of our brothers who live with deceit, could be wasting their energies on plethora of lies for purposes of deceiving the public against Senator Uwajumogu to say that Okigwe zone has nothing under her in the budgets.

Of a truth, we are working hard to leverage on my connections with the Presidency and strenght at the Senate to bring down projects that will develop Okigwe. I do this not for ranting, not for public show or self glorification. That is why, i am not bothered when overzealous and ravening wolves lament that I have done nothing. In other to shame the devil and reduce its strength, we wish to reveal from records, which are of public verification, that so far, with my legislative interventions, contacts and lobbying within this short period at the Senate, I have been able to attract good number of projects, to assist our people in the areas of employment, relief empowernment, and visibly attracted more than 50 infrastructrual projects through either the Capital or Intervention budgets. All these projects have been duly awarded, some have been completed, some are ongoing while others are waiting to be funded. It is important to note that not a dime of intervention budget of 2018 has been released, therefore most of the projects captured therein has been awarded but unfunde.

These include;


1. Emergency repairs of Isinweke – Abueke Umuahia Road (NDDC) completed

2. Emergency repairs of Aguneze to Isinweke Road Completed (NDDC)

3. Reconstruction of Umulolo Akokwa Road Okigwe (NDDC) 80% Complete

4. Emergency repairs of Ahiara junction to Aba Branch completed (NDDC)
5.Construction of Umuelemai – Agbaja – Afor Ebu now extended to Dioka Nzerem Ehime Mbano 60% Complete (NDDC)
6. Construction of Obollo to Isiala Mbano to Umueze 1 in Ehime Mbano LGA 90% complete

7. Reconstruction of Sam Mbakwe road to Malaysian market Obowo local govt. Recently awarded works commences in October. (NDDC)


(1). Construction of two (2) Solar Boreholes (Min. Of Environment) … at Umuchoke Ama Umunumo Ehime Mbano (completed)

(2). Installation of 20 Nos. Solar Street Lightening (Min. Environment)….at Umuezeala Nsu Ehime Mbano (completed).

(3) Supply & Installation of 300KVA/33/0145 Transformer (REA)…at Ozimo Umuanumeze Onuimo LGA (completed)

(4). Provision of 10 Nos of Solar Street Light (REA)… Ehienaezeala Ikperejere Ihitte Uboma LGA (competed).

(5). Supply & Installation of 300 KVA/ 33/0145 Transformer ….. Ibinta Umuawuibu Okigwe LGA (completed)

(6). Construction of Solar Borehole … Umunebi Ndibinasonye Umuariam Obowo LGA (completed)

(7). Construction of Solar Borehole … Umuaro Umunumo Ehime LGA (completed).

(8). Construction of Solar Borehole in Umunanom Unueze 1 Ehime LGA (completed).

(9). Construction of 3 Classroom Block at Central Schl Amuzari Isiala Mbano LGA (completed)

(10). Rural Electrification at Umuanyaku Ikpenweafor Ihitte Uboma LGA (Completed)

(11). Supply & Installation of 300 KVA/ 33/0145kv Transformer ….. (REA) Aku Okigwe LGA (completed)

(12) Supply and Installation of 300/33/0145kv Transformer at Umudinka Agbaja Ehime Mbano ( Completed).

(13). Construction of 3 Class room block at St. Charles Pry. Schl Umunumo Ehime Mbano LGA (Completed)

14. Construction of 3 Class room block at Central Sch Umuariam Obowo LGA (Completed).

15. Construction of Solar Borehole at Elugwu Umuchienta Ihitte Uboma (ongoing)

16. Construction of modern Cottage Hospital at Amuzari Isiala Mbano LGA (fully completed).

17. Construction of 7bn irrigation Dam Project at Ezeala Kpaka umueze1 in Ehime Mbano ( award process on going, fully tendered )

18. Constriction of Mini Water Scheme at Ehume Obowo (fully funded, 80% completion).

19. Construction of Solar Borehole at Umuobishike Iteohia Ibeme Isiala Mbano (ongoing)

20. Construction of 10 Nos of Solar Street Light at Ekeikpa Amanyinta Ihitte Uboma LGA (completed)

21. Construction of Solar Powered Borehole at Afor Umuduru in Onuimo LGA (completed).

22. Construction of 3 Class room block (Housing) at Ndi Amazu Community Pry Sch Aro Umuduru Onuimo LGA (fully awarded/ongoing)

23. Construction of 3 Class room block at Community Pry Sch Dimneze Ihitte Uboma LGA (completed)

24. Construction of 3 Class room block at Community Pry Sch Ezinachi Okigwe LGA (ongoing)

25. Construction of Solar Borehole at Umunanom Umueze 1 Ehime Mbano LGA (completed)

26. Construction of Solar Borehole (Housing) at Isiokwe Umualuwoke Okigwe LGA (awarded)

27. Construction of 10 Solar Street Lights at Alike Obowo LGA (completed)

28. Construction of 10 Solar Street Lights (Housing) at Afor Ebu Nzerem Ehime Mbano LGA

29. Construction of 10 Solar Street Lights at 7/12 Junction in Obowo LGA (awarded)

30. Construction of 3 Class room block at a school to be chosen in Obowo LGA (awarded)

31. Construction of 6 Class room block at community primary school Umuihi to in Ihitte Uboma LGA (completed).

32. Construction of motorised Borehole ( Housing) at Umuezeala Kpaka Ehime Mbano LGA (ongoing)

33. Construction of Roads & Erosion Control (Ecological Funds) at Umuihi – Ihitte Uboma LGA ( phase 1c0ompleted)

34. Construction of 2 No’s of Water Scheme (Water Resources) at Umariam in Obowo LGA.

36. Renovation of Central School Umueze 1 Ehime Mbano ( just awarded by UBEC)

36. Provision of Instructional Equipment to Primary School Umuariam Obowo (just awarded by UBEC).

37. Rehabilitation of Afor Nta Market Sqaure Ikpenweafor, Ihitte Uboma LGA.( just awarded, see Federal Tender Journal August, 2018).

38. Rehabilitation of Eke Umuezegwu market, Ihitte/Uboma LGA. ( About to be awarded to a contractor, see Federal Tender Journa, August, 2018).

39. Installation of Solar Street in Umuopara Ugiri in Isiala Mbano LGA ( About to be awarded to a contractor, see Federal Tender Journal, August, 2018).

40. Establishment of Palm Oil Mill in Umuelem Umuihi, Ihitte Uboma LGA, ( About to be awarded to a contractor,.see Federal Tender Journal, August, 2018).

41. Procurement of Youth Empowerment Materials to Imo North by NDE, ( about to be awarded to a contractor, see Fed. Tender Journal, August, 2018).

42. Procurement of Women Empowerment Materials to Ehime Mbano, Ihitte Uboma & Isiala Mbano LGAs by NDE, ( about to be awarded to a contractor, see Fed. Tender Journal, August, 2018).

43. Procurement of Women Empowerment Materials to Okigwe & Onuimo LGAs by NDE, ( about to be awarded to a contractor, see Fed. Tender Journal, August, 2018).

44. Design/Construction of Ekeipa-Amainyi Ukwu- Umuderim Road Ihitte Uboma LGA (awarded, Funded & ongoing)

45. Construction of Cassava Processing Plant at Ihitte Uboma LGA (Awarded, ongoing).

46. Contruction of Motorised borehole at Umueze Akpaka Ehime Mbano (completed)

47. Construction of 1.km Rural Access Road with Surface Dressing of Nzerem – Ikpem Road Ehime Mbano (awarded, ongoing).

48. A 40m Erosion Control Project a site to be chosen in Okigwe ( Captured & about to be awarded).

50. Construction of 10 Street Lights at Afor Ebu Nzerem Ehime Mbano (captured & about to awarded).

51. Construction of Solar Powered Borehole in Isiokwe Umualumoke in Okigwe (captured & about to be awarded).

52. Strategic Employment Programme in the six LGAs, jointly conducted per 3 LGAs North & South each, by SMEDAN. (conducted)

53. Sensitization Programme on harmful implication on the use of drug in Imo North Senatorial District by NDLEA. (conducted)

54. Vocational Training in Imo North Senatorial District by SMEDAN (conducted).

55. Supply of Tricycle for Empowernment in Imo North (awarded, to be carry out)

56. Skill Aquisition Development Programme (awarded, to be conducted).

57. Advocacy on Rehabilitation of Drug Traffickers (awarded to be conducted).

Umunnem, Ndi Okigwe, these milestones in this area of social infrastructure are in deed, visible and on records.

From the above highlights, we can see that we have tried our best to spread these projects across the six LGAs. I wish to appeal to those whose villages or communities that have not been captured in the above provisions, to please be patient with us, God being our strength, deeper efforts have been made to get those communities captured in the future budgets.


Empowerment at all levels, is another pressing area that is paramount in our developmental plan.

It is my desire to see our youths being self reliant and productive. It is impossible to provide enough money to share and to go round the teeming youths and women. It is important therefore, to get them creative and improve on their skills. I have leveraged on some of the government plans and programmes that are beneficial through several Agencies to advance the course of socio-economic self reliance among our youths and women. In this regard, we have engaged many of our youths in self entrepreneurial trainings and skill acquisitions.

Let me quickly table out but a few;

1. We have trained 2 of our youths at Federal School of Horticulture, Gombe State (namely Ndubuisi Nwokeiwu- Ihitte Uboma; Ifeanyi Anyanwu- Isiala Mbano at IITA, Ibadan and 1 woman- from Obowo in Horticulture, general animal farming and special fashion design respectively.

2. We have also trained about 600 of our youths in the Google/Internet programme under our Partnership with Google International titled Google/Uwajumogu Wealth Creation Programme. This is a special ICT training which has helped to improve the skills of our youths in the Internet usage. The training has opened a viable entrepreneurial window for wealth creation for our youths, where youths will non longer be committing volume of hours on interment without making valuable output from it. In this programme, the youths were trained in Web Designs & Management, Online Buying and Selling of Good, Online Book Publishing, Online News Publishing, among others. From our record, at least 10 youths from each of the 64 wards in Okigwe zone participated in this training.

3. Another Empowerment Package that will robustfully engage our youths is the establishment of the Micro Finance Institute. We have trained 2 Graduate youths per the Six LGA and 2 WASC holders per ward in Okigwe Zone in Micro Credit, Micro financing, BVN machines etc for the take off of the Institute. We have also registered about 500 artisans on our portal who will take off of this scheme. Every logistics has been put in place, we are waiting for some other fulfilments on the side of the CBN. The aim of the Institute is to shore up financial inclusiveness and provide access to micro Capital for small scale entrepreneurs, artisans, local framers etc as well create job opportunity for our youths,.as it is proposed to have branches in the six LGA of our zone. It is hoped that by the early first quarter of 2019 the Institute would have taken off.

4. Our efforts in making financial banking less cumbersome is still in progress. We have concluded concrete discussions with the Sterling Bank to set up branches in some of the LGAs in the zone.

5. We have also trained 64 Youths/ Women (one each Ward in Okigwe Zone) in various Skills and Creative projects with specialty in Cosmetology, Fashion Creation, IT Photography, Lithography, Film Documentation & Production, Catering amongst others (with required expense including feeding and accommodation) at the Nneoma Skills Acquisition Centre, Ihitte Uboma LGA. They are waiting to be empowered with the required facility according to one’s specialty during my Consolidated Empowerment Programme coming up soon. May I respectfully request my brothers and sisters to also support us with during this programme.


Education remains the key to meaningful development of any society. We have observed the major challenges towards eradication of the continuous falling standard of education. I have also observed that apart from some incongruous educational polices, there are virtually lack of good building infrastructures in schools. To tackle this bad state of our school buildings and looking at both the history and geographical location of our schools; I quickly injected into the 2017 & 2018 Budgets the construction of 3 Classroom Block, School Renovations and Facility provisions/equipment in some schools in each six LGA of the Zone. The highlights have been already stated ealier above.

Still on educational development, establishment of higher Institutions in the zone has been a continual effort. As you are aware, I have an on going Bill for the establishment of a Federal School of Nursing & Midwifery in Isiala Mbano.

Worthy to continue to mention are the IMO State College of Education Ihitte Uboma which came into being with my intervention as the Speaker IMO State House of Assembly in 2012. Currently the College has admitted Pre NCE students and is concluding the recruitment exercise of staff for final take off of full academic studies. We commend the efforts of the pioneer Provost, one of our own, Dr. Chris Osuegbu from Ehime Mbano.

Added to this, is Imo State Polytechnic, Umunakanu Campus, which was also facilitated during my time as a Speaker and I am building a Theatre Block in the Campus as my contribution for the development of the Polytechnic. Let me not forget to mention that during my time as a Speaker we made the law to give the IMO State Polytechnic a status of a degree awarding Institution. By this, it is hoped that the Polytechnic will be upgraded to a University in the future, while the Umunakanu Campus of the Polytechnic will become full fledged Polytechnic.

The location of IMO State University Engineering Campus at Umunna Okigwe had my intervention at the beginning stage. I thank the Governor for considering my opinion on it then and I am happy work is going on there.

Also, the Anglican Communion in the zone has notified me of her intention to build a University in Okigwe zone.

All these portend good for educational future in Okigwe Zone. I will always be committed to use the weight of my position to provide any needed support in those areas.


This is the background why Okigwe people sent me to the National Assembly. Without self praising, I am proud to report to you that Okigwe Zone has superlatively done well at the Senate within the limited time we legitimately registered our presence. As an old legislator, I did not allow our late arrival to perturb our aim and effort of moving Okigwe forward through legislation.

Senate is a mature and serene environment, where legislative businesses are conducted to the development of the various constituencies. Anybody doing anything else outside this needful scope, is either a noise maker or seeks empty self glorification.

At the moment, I am the Vice Chairman, Senate Committee on Ecology & Climate Change; but has been standing in as the protem Chairman, as the Chairman hardly be available for the Committee’s legislative activities. This position is hoped to be changed for better soon.

I am also a member of other strategic Committees including – Agriculture, Housing, Banking & Other Financial Institutions, Marine, Customs, Petroleum ( Up stream), Army, State & Local Government amongst others. Other important memberships are in Conference Committee & Ad-hoc Committees- on Sale of Port Harcourt Refinery, Finance and Public Procurement.

The important derivative of my membership of these Committees is that we have benefited greatly through the sponsorship of projects by Agencies under those committees either as capital or intervention. Another is job empowernment of our people into some of the Agencies under the Committees.

Another core areas of expectation as a legislator, are areas of Bills and Motions. We have been able to muscle every opportunity this art of legislation can offer to our maximum benefits.

I have sponsored Bills and Motions not just for people to see me talking at the floor of the Senate. Rather, I have done that for the purposes of having immediate impact in the lives of Ndi Okigwe. I plan to sponsor about seven (7) Bills within my first tenure at the Senate, as well as any good numbers of Motion, that will improve the living and welfare of our people. Already, I have presented the following Bills and Motions which overtly and covertly have bearing on the welfare of the people of Okigwe;


(1). Bill to establish Federal School of Nursing & Midwifery in Isiala Mbano LGA (at 2nd Reading)

(2). Bill to provide a legal framework For Job Creation and Protection (at 3 Reading)

(3). Bill for the Amendment of the NDLEA Act- for legalising of Medical Cannabis in Nigeria.

(4). A Bill For An Act to Provide Secured Transactions, Registration, Regulation Of Security Interest for Movable Assest ( Co-Spinsor, 4th Reading with Committee Report).


(1). Need to make Adequate Provision for Inclusive & Accessible Basic Education for Children with Disability in Nigeria.

(2). Suspension of Tariff Hike by FG on Local Beverage Production in Nigeria.

(3). Curbing of Increasing Rate of Child Labour, Molestation and Abuse in Nigeria.

4. Urgent Need to Investigate the Proliferation of Bitcoins, As a Form of Crypto-currency & Investment in Nigeria.


This is one avenue i have used to give a face lift to many sons and daughters of Okigwe who were either wrongfully sacked, deprived of entitlements and maltreated from their work places, or melted one form of injustices to another. Through this medium, petitions against the established bodies were made and Senate would call for resdressing of the anomalies. By this, many of our people have got back their jobs. The followings among others are on record;

1. Mr. Egemuka Chukwuemeka (Ihitte/Uboma) & others Non-payment of Salaries at National Centre for Technology Ile Ife (now settled/Redressd)

2. Constable Ifeanyi Ohadaka (Okigwe LGA) sacked from the Nigeria Police (Now Reinstated)

3. Dr. Mathew Echeruo ( Ehime Mbano) against the Nigeria Immigration Service (still ongoing Report stage)

4. Late Mr. Desmond Nunugwo family (Ehime Mbano) against EFCC. (EFCC asked to compesante the family)

5. Sgt. Titus Azubuike (Isiala Mbano) wrongfully sacked from the Nigeria Police ( Recommended to be reinstated & pay his arreas over 26 years)

6. Cpl. Obinna Ogbu (Okigwe LGA) against the Nigeria Police (Recommended for reinstatement).

7. Late Mrs. Chiamaka Glory De-Freitas, (Onuimo) against the Medical Art Centre, Lagos. (Settlement ongoing)


Honestly, as one family, this is one area that gives me sleepless night each day, i think i how i can empower one Okigwe indigene especially the youth to give him/her a life line.

And if i have my way, it is one area i will not want to discuss here; what i have done and God’s willing, the more i will do. For those who know my background quite well, know that ‘charity deeds’ run in my family. It is an inheritance and legacy that we have not been able to stop in my family. And i derive joy helping people.

Within this short period at the Senate, I have been able to assist a good number of our people to secure life and career jobs and have recommended hundreds for same. I signed about 5 recommendation letters every week for Okigwe indigenes seeking for employment. My Office is one of the offices that has the most unrestricted open door policy. Unlike many at the Senate, there is no visiting days and hours to see me as far as you are an Okigwe indigene.

This is of public knowledge, that many people from our sister zones besiege my office on daily basis begging for one assistance and the other.

I am constrained not to make this public, but on record, the following amongst others have got gainful employment through my intervention;

1. Nwosu Ezkwesiri Christopher ( From Obowo LGA, B.Sc. Ed) ……Posting: Federal Ministry of Education & (Fed. Govt. College Okigwe).

2. Nnorom Ikenna ( From Ihitte/Uboma, B. Engr.) …..Posting: Federal Ministry of Communications, Abuja.

3. Onuoha Edith ( From Ehime Mbano, B.A. Ed)……Posting: Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja.

4. Nnanugo Pascal ( From Isiala Mbano, B. Sc Environmental Sc.) ……Posting: National Biosafety & Management Agency- Federal Ministry of Enviroment

5. Nwachukwu Christian Chinomso (Ehime Mbano) ….Nigeria Police Force – IM/PF/ J04969A.

6. AZUKA CHINEMEZU QUEEN (Obowo) …Nigeria Army- 76/IM/RRI/1594/9160299.

7. IBEH EMMANUEL CHUKWUDI (Ihitte/Uboma)…76/IM/RRI/355/0174440….Nigeria Army.

8. CHUBUNDU SOMTOCHUKWU DANIEL (Ehime Mbano) ….Nigeria Army.- 76/IM/RRI/812/0060523


a. Nwokeke Oluchi Juliet (Ihitte/Uboma)…. M.Sc. Managenent Resource at University of Sussex, Uk.

b. Okoronkwo David Ugochukwu (Obowo)..
M.Sc. Renewable Energy, at Heriot T- Watt University, Uk.



1. Dr Amarachi Esther Alaegbu…. ..FMC, Umuahia.

2. Dr. Nwokorie Michelle Nene Jombo …….Hospital Management Board, Abuja.

3. Dr. Ogujiofor Chizaram Ogujiofor ……General hospital maitama.

4. Dr. Martins Nneoma Rose-Kate …….Hospital Management Board, FCDA Area 11 Gark Abuja

5. Dr Ajaekwe Chisom Gloria …..FMC, Umuahia

6. Dr. Ofoegbu Christopher….National Hospital, Abuja.


Chukwuemeka Ezinne Onyedikachi ……National Hospital Abuja,
Uwadineke Chiamaka Christina ……UNTH;
Okorie Linus ……….FMC, Umuahia,
Osuagwu Ngozi Dolloris…. FMC, Owerri;
Ihemba Maryanne Oluchi (Oniimo LGA)….. National Assembly Clinic

7. OTHERs.
Okonkwo Justina –
Young Africa Leadership Institute, Ghana.( Full employment)


Many sons and daughters of Okigwe have been assisted through my office to get places of primary assignments, most times places of their choice.


Brethren, I come to you today with sincere mind, in friendship and in brotherhood. I therefore, appeal for your suppprt to re-elect me to step up the good works of our hands.

As a result of human frailty, i may not have done to 100% of your expecations, but that is not to say that I have done below expectations.

The process of developing Okigwe is a continuous one and journey of “let us go”. It is a journey that requires everybody’s involvement and cooperation.

It is not a journey where one will say one thing and do another thing.

My presence and representation at the Senate has been consciously and divinely calculated, purposive and purposeful.

Senate is an established Institution. It is a mature and serene place. It is not a ranting ground, where rabble- rousers rave extravagantly out of character.

I will continue to put in my best to Move Okigwe Forward through my legislative experience connections, connectivity & network. These will always continue to count, If you re-elect me. I will leverage on these sources of strenght to do better and more to our continued development of Okigwe and to the glory of God.

Thank you all. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your abiding confidence in me. Thank you for your support. Thank you and thank you and God bless.

Yours in service,

*Senator Benjamin Chukwuemeka Uwajumogu.*

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