Late Sen.Evan(s)Enwerem's Wife fights Imo State House of Assembly

A few days back, the Imo State House of Assemply repealed the Law that temporary named Imo State University after the Late Sen.Evan Enwerem. Although there were mixed reactions,  news of the de-immortalization was widely celebrated by indigenes of the State home and abroad, School Alumni and friends of the GREAT University who felt Sen.Evan(s) Enwerem did not deserve the immortalization in the first place.

Apparently, wife of the Late Sen. Evans Evan Enwerem was not pleased with this move and she made it obvious by crying foul! In her words, Nobody can controvert the fact that this man single-handedly founded this university out of his own ingenuity when the Imo University was ceded to Abia State.” When he was there not only did he make sure that the university was established, but well-funded with take-off infrastructure, because at the time he had good relationship with the then military President Ibrahim Babangida, who gave him the necessary support and enablement to make sure that the university took off at the current site. 

At that time,the Federal University of Technology was occupying that site, but he used his position and got them to move FUTO to its permanent site, even though the Vice Chancellor at the time said he was not ready, but it was moved, making it possible for Imo University to have a new home outside the Alvan Ikoku College of Education.”

Aunty m, are you kidding us?  

Did I just read infrastructure? Single-handedly founded out of Sen.Enwerem’s Ingenuity? (R.I.P) but, I dont know how many of you agree with this . . . .  I dont!

The other day, someone likened the late Sen. Enwerem to other (Great men in Nigeria – Nnamdi Azikiwe and Obafemi Awolowo) Bikonu, how could  anyone make this mistake?

Can anyone educate me on the notable accomplishments the late Evan Enwerem brought to Imo State? Be it from the period he served as Governor of the State or when he served as Senator?

How could  we have immortalized a man who, with all due respect had, a failed Political career? I say that with conviction because the books of History have nothing tangible to show for his work in Imo State as Governor. Neither does his Constituency have anything to account for during his time as Senator.

1999 is not so far behind us that we cannot recall how he was installed in the Senate by Former President Olusegun Obasanjo. He went on to become the 1st Senate President of the Federal Republic against the will of the people of IMO who cried foul. He did not deserve his ascension and Nemesis/Karma played its role in kicking him out.

We were all privy to the shameful disgrace out of the prestigeous office of Senate President as a result of the expose on his FALSEHOOD, so please tell me where lies the esteem of a University so greatly respected?

Obafemi Awolowo and Nnamdi Azikiwe of blessed memory will be turning in their graves at the thought of being placed in the same Category as ________.  

By the way, did any of the Late Sen.Enwerem’s children attend Imo State University at any point in time? With the so called infrastructure and bla bla bla? Why were his Children  sent off to Emerson University, Boston, MA and The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy etc in the land of obodo oyibo? Didn’t Imo State University/Evan Enwerem University  have a LAW FACAULTY? 

You see, if  I start . . .you people will say I have come again. This is why I am of the opinion that some of these so called POLITICIANS only lobby their way through to Power to enrich themselves. Only about 2% of our elected politicians have genuine interest in the lives of the People. Once they get into office, they ship their Children  abroad, and pay up their 4yr Tuition in the PRIVATE UNIVERISTIES of their choice.  Whereas, their immediate communities still lack basic amenities.

How I wish children of Government officials would be restricted to schooling in Nigeria while their parents SERVE the NATION. It is only then that these Politicians will sit up and work towards doing the  best for their Communities. 

Mrs. Enwerem is telling us about Infrastructure. The picture below is part of the Infrastructure.  For starters, can the immortalized E.E.U boast of a fully equiped COMPUTER LAB? Room and Board for the students  nko? I think I’ve wasted enough Brain energy on this. You be the judge! I drop my pen.  

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