Meet our Deputy Governor,His Excellency Jude Agbaso

Finally, we get to see a different picture  of our hands____ Deputy Governor, H.E. Jude Agbaso! Very little information is available online for His Excellency infact, for the most part, its nothing but the negative JUNK that was circulated by the immediate past Governor and his two-faced Campaign staff. What didnt they write? What name didn’t they call him? Thank God that now they’ve been made to eat their words.

The same people who opened their mouths to call him (names) will use those same lips to address him as HIS EXCELLENCY. Such is life!! Never look down on anyone because we don’t now tomorrow.  I have also learnt my lesson: Humility is Key. Matthew 23:12 says, “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

 The story of Gov.Rochas Okorocha and Deputy Gov. Jude Agbaso testifies to that.

Its a shame that we all hide behind our cloak of  pretence. Everyone is angel. Everyone holy pass. . . . . . what didnt they say to tarnish the reputation of His Excellency? Now, do we need to ask who’s laughter is being heard the loudest? Just an eye opener to everyone.

God uses the weak things of the world to shame the strong. H.E Jude Agbsaso, if anything was regarded as a minus for APGA but here he is today, exalted to the number 2 office of the State. I celebrate his victory with gladness in my heart because in my ways, I can relate to this story.  I have faced personal battles . . . . where people looked down on me and even gave up on me but here I am today, a much better person. To God be the Glory.

As they say, success is the best revenge. I owe my life and whatever little success I enjoy today to God alone. If God did it for me, then He can do it for anyone. His Excellency is no exception.

 Shortly before the Inauguration activities began,  I was introduced to a certain youth Activist by the name of Festus who, happens to share the same kindred with His Excellency. I seized the opportunity to ask him questions about our incoming Deputy Governor.

Hear him:

Nda Jude Agbaso is a good man. He is never proud, Every Sunday, he religiously makes out time to meet with his age grade members. They all  play Draft together.  Even the sunday after he was announced winner, he was seen playing draft with his age mates.  Infact, I have never seen anybody like him. He is very humble.  He come out in his  jeans and Tee shirt and hang out with us.

For his qualifications, He is well educated. Jude agbaso can represent our views and the things we need. The past Government did not seem to know our needs because they belong to another generation.  It is true that as of last year, he would not be listed bodly as a top politician but he is fresh, young  different.  He is someone the younger generation we can relate to.  He brings in a new flavour that will be different from someone who has been reshuffled the last 20 years.

As for effectiveness, the deputy governors in nigeria are normally in the background. All you really hear is the Governor. Being that he will be working closely with the Governor,  he would be representing our generation. They will  work as a team. It is not right to judge their work individually. Anything that is done by the Imo state goverment would be done as a team.  

what is interesting about it is that in the last 20yrs, the government of nigeria has been shuffling with the same people in Government. Nigeria needs fresh faces, that is the only way we can move forward,  The other people  have not taken us anywhere.  

Right on point, Festus!   I totally agree. The much we can do is to continually lift our leaders up in prayers .  

Congratulations once more Your Excellency, Jude Agbaso. This is your time.

For all the naysayers . . . . . bad belle people who are yet to come to terms with this victory. I dont know what else to say other than to refer you to a nearest wet transformer. . . . . LOL!

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