ON BLAST!!! The SINS of Hon.Emeka Nwajiuba lives with him. Anonymous feedback from Constituent puts CPC Gubernatorial Candidate on the GRILL!

May the sins of Hon. Emeka Nwajiuba not be used against him in the upcoming elections. If one will go by the reception  information  received, Hon.Nwajiuba is as good as rejected even by his own people.   That is not hard to understand why considering 2 out of the 3  Bills he introduced to at the National Assembly did not pass. So, what is likely to pass in Imo State? Why are the people of Umualumaku unhappy with Hon.Nwajiuba? Well, this is what the anonymous voter had to say:

You know Emeka Nwajiuba was in NASS as Honourable Member for my Constituency. I was a Youth Corper then. I served in the NASS in 2001. I had just come straight from  IMSU so I was still intouch with home.

The guy sell fish no be small (Meaning: Hon. Nwajiuba is selfish) So, we paid him a Courtesy call visit to show solidarity……but this guy snobbed us. He showed NO REAL INTEREST. …. He barely looked up from his Computer to attend to us. We were embarrased.

When I got home, I told them. He is from my LGA ooo! (Local Government Area). You can stroll from our house to his…. So the long and short of it is that the guy is full of himself. And the people got the message.

What did he do kwanu? Nothing!!.

Infact, it was was his other Honourable Colleagues (Hausa) that offered to help us. He is very very notorious around home. And I wonder if he did proper analysis before coming out because the people I know at home would rather vote Ohakim  in again than that Nwajiuba. Arrogance!!!! He is from Umunakanu. I dont know the people blowing him breeze to come and contest. Whether it is sheer ambition. Democrazy!!

SPEECHLESS!!!!  Could this be why Hon.Nwajiuba “ChrisOkotie’d” at the Gubernatorials  in 2003 and 2007? Could the 3rd time be a charm? Happy Easter to you and the Family, Honourable Nwajiuba. See you at the Polling booth on April 26th…..

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